This is a very controversial subject. But I'm going to pause before I even get started and say this- If you are a Christian and you don't listen to secular music, I'm NOT calling you legalistic. And if you are a Christian and you DO listen to secular music, I'm NOT saying you're going to hell. This is my personal opinion that I've decided to share with you based on my convictions. So, now that we've cleared that up, I'll go ahead and dive into my personal stance on the topic. First of all, I know some of you tend to use the terminologies wrong so, let me make sure we're all on the same page. Let's start of by defining the word 'secular.' A lot of people think that by saying something is secular, it means evil...which isn't exactly true. The word, according to the dictionary, is actually defined as "
Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis." It doesn't say anything about evil. But does the fact that it isn't spiritual
make it evil?
My answer. No. In the arena as far as secular music goes, I think the decision really comes down to conviction, common sense and the
type of secular music you're listening to. You need to look at your ipod or your playlist and make sure you know this is something with a message you're okay with. I highly disagree with songs that promote sensual things or language. It's not something I want flooding my mind let alone something I thing God wants me to be listening to. But on the other hand, there's also the aspect that there are some secular songs out there that are really not that bad but, the particular artist might not be the one to be looking into. Example - Katy Perry. She openly professes that God doesn't exist. I for one, will NOT support that. I used to be okay with her song, "
Roar" and there was also another one that was okay. But now, I refuse to listen to her at all. That was a decision I made based on conviction. Do I still listen to covers of the song "Roar?" Yes. Because it has the same positive message, minus the negative atmosphere.
Next thing. There are alternatives out there! Have you ever considered listening to a more mild version of the type of music you love?
Pentatonix for one, takes bad words out of their songs, changes them up a bit and in the end, they actually sound quite a bit better than the original! But, even better than Ptx is (once again)
Anthem Lights. Thy also have the benefit of being Christians. They choose their covers carefully and definitely make them sound fabulous. Then, we have alternatives like
Owl City. Now, I personally really like OC because he has such a unique way of bringing songs to the table. He DOES claim to be a Christian and his songs often have hidden meanings if you really pay attention. But usually they're just fun songs. Also, if you're obsessed with Dubstep (like me), you need to check out
Lindsey Stirling. She's probably currently the most popular(living) violinist in the world! But, really, when it boils down to it, I think the best route to take it is itunes. You choose your songs individually and aren't pressured to buy a whole album. I know people like Bruno Mars or Justin Timberlake can have a good song here or there and then the rest of the album just sucks (I'm talking lyrically, not vocally). Am I out to hate on every artist who doesn't do Christian music? Absolutely not! We're called to love people. And I appreciate the talent of SEVERAL secular artists. What can you expect from a person who has never heard of or accepted Christ than the influence of the world to be in their lyrics? Exactly my point. But to choose to not be a part of that mindset is a great act of obedience. You need to pray and ask God where you are supposed to draw the line in what you're filling your mind with. You will eventually find yourself living out the lyrics you're putting in your head (though it can affect some people more than others). So, in a nutshell? I stand neutral right now. The amount of Christian music I listen to versus the amount of secular I listen to is perfect for me and my walk spiritually with Christ. As long as you pray about it and feel confident that you aren't compromising in any way and make sure you aren't being affected negatively by the lyrics, then you should be okay. :) Remember, the absolute goal is to be like Him. Not like the world. Grow closer to Him daily. Love him. Love people. (1 Peter 2:17) ~KJ